Tahoma Associates is a human services organization whose purpose is to support individuals challenged by intellectual and developmental disabilities, to live, work and contribute to our community. Using work and training programs, residential supports and community participation, Tahoma strives to assist participants in their individual life pursuits.
Thank you for supporting Tahoma Associates for over 50 years. Great things lie ahead for us and those we serve. Among other projects, we hope to open a new Group Home in 2023 and we have a new website to proudly display our activities and events. Our growth and direction are largely defined by the needs of the community and our participants. Your feedback is appreciated. We continue to grow in so many ways with the help of everyone that surrounds us.
— Mark Kjelland, Executive Director
A big thank you and congratulations to all our dedicated staff that have completed at least 5 years with Tahoma Associates
Christine Pugh
Kim Kullman
Ronnie Knight
Paul Shelton
Mark Wehn
Christina Munt
Soonafai Tusi
Fale Fualefau
Randolph Davenport
Wasiu Daromosu
Ariel Sims
Tetiana Homan
Nicole D'Aoust
Catherine Link
Mary Cawle Napale
“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.”
— Christopher Reeve